“Obedience to God today is the best preparation for tomorrow.”
Thank you for your daily prayers for all those in need. We know the power of prayer!
“Prayers for the family and friends of those who have passed away and for the repose of their souls.”
“May they rest in peace.”
“Forgiveness is as valuable to the one who forgives as to the one forgiven.”
Thank you for your daily prayers for all those in need. We know the power of prayer!
“Prayers for the family and friends of those who have passed away and for the repose of their souls.”
“May they rest in peace.”
“Every time Jesus sees that there is a possibility of giving us more than we know how to ask, he does so.”
Thank you for your daily prayers for all those in need. We know the power of prayer!
“Prayers for the family and friends of Carol who has passed away and for the repose of her soul.”
“May they rest in peace.”
“God may seem slow at times, but he is never late..”
Thank you for your daily prayers for all those in need. We know the power of prayer!
“Prayers for the family and friends of those who have passed away and for the repose of their soul.”
“May they rest in peace.”
October 2024
“Praise him for all that is past. Trust him for all that is to come. The great thing to remember is
that, though our feelings come and go, his love for us does not.”
Thank you for your daily prayers for all those in need. We know the power of prayer!
“Prayers for the family and friends of those who have passed away and for the repose of their
souls. May they rest in peace.”
“The God of peace gives perfect peace to those whose hearts are stayed upon him.”
Thank you for your daily prayers for all those in need. We know the power of prayer!
“Prayers for the family and friends of Jerry Tanguay’s sister Caroline King who has passed
away and forthe repose of her soul. May she rest in peace.”
“The God of peace gives perfect peace to those whose hearts are stayed upon him.”
Thank you for your daily prayers for all those in need. We know the power of prayer!
“Prayers for the family and friends of those who have passed away and for the repose of their
souls. May they rest in peace.”
“Giving is a joy if we do it in the right spirit. It all depends on whether we think of it as
‘What can I spare?’ or as ‘What can I share?”
Thank you for your daily prayers for all those in need. We know the power of prayer!
“Prayers for the family and friends of those who have passed away and for the repose of their
souls. May they rest in peace.”
“More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.” Thank you for your daily prayers for all those in need. We know the power of prayer! “Prayers for the family and friends of those who have passed away and for the repose of their souls. May they rest in peace.”
“Whatever God tells us to do, he also helps us to do.” Thank you for your daily prayers for all those in need. We know the power of prayer! “Prayers for the family and friends of Elizebeth Fisk and Bob Krentz who have passed away and for the repose of their souls. May they rest in peace.”
“Let all that you do be done in Love.” Thank you for your daily prayers for all those in need. We know the power of prayer! Prayers for the family and friends of Nancy Sage ,Connie Finzel, Sonny, who have passed away and for the repose of their souls. May they rest in peace.
Each year we ask parishioners to complete a form volunteering for various ministries needed at St. Mary. Your help is needed! Paper forms are available in the Gathering Space at church.
Mark your calendar for our first-ever, Madison Diocesan Eucharistic Congress–a joy-filled, spiritual weekend dedicated entirely to Jesus’ eucharistic glory and to our encounter with Christ. Come to all three days for a Eucharistic Retreat of faith, fellowship, and family!
We continue to collect 40 cans for 40 days to benefit the Milton Food Pantry. Drop off your non-perishable item in the gathering space through Good Friday.
“Prayers for the family and friends of Eileen Agnes Ackerman who has passed away and for the repose of her soul.” “Prayers for the family and friends of Rick Brietzke who has passed away and for the repose of his soul.” “Prayers for the family and friends of Susan Ackerman Teskey who passed away and for the repose of her soul.” Faith expects from God what is beyond all expectation, for God all things are possible.” Thank you for your daily prayers for all those in need. We know the power of prayer! “May they rest in peace.”
Gods heart is the most sensitive and tender of all. No act goes unnoticed, no matter how small. Thank you for your daily prayers for all those in need. We know the power of prayer! Prayers for the family and friends of those who have passed away and for the repose of their soul. May they rest in peace.