Prayers needed for John Fisk as they had to remove the respirator from his daughter Cheryl and she has passed away. Please pray for Val's healing journey as she recovers from surgery and for her family. Prayers needed for John Fisk's daughter Cheryl who is in a hospital in Madison, has life threatening breathing difficulties and is on a respirator. Prayers for healing for Carol H who has had the horrible flu, has been sick for a week and a half and is still having a hard time breathing. Update on previous prayer request for a parishioner's granddaughter facing serious surgery. She just had a kidney removed successfully at Aurora St. thank you to all the prayer warriors and we ask for continuous prayers for God's healing in the weeks ahead. I have happy updates on 2 prayer requests. Please thank everyone for their prayers for my friend hit by a car and had brain injuries. He's doing much better! He's home and his recovery is going well. Also, Jacob, Trish's son, thanks to prayers and a good doctor, is doing much better now. Prayers please for a parishioner couple, both with multiple serious ongoing health issues. Prayers needed for God's strength, blessings and mercy. Prayers for Mary’s brother-in-law, who is in the hospital with pneumonia and fluid buildup around his heart. Pray for healing needed for Rhea who has just been diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer. Mary, who is recovering from a broken hip, is requesting many prayers as she is in a lot of pain and to ease the discomfort of being at a facility and out of her home. Please pray for a parishioner’s granddaughter who got a concussion over the weekend that she will heal so she can go back to school. Prayers needed for a parishioner’s granddaughter with serious health issues, will be having surgery, also for the understanding of God’s will in the healing process for the family to cope with issues. Prayers needed for Michael who was just diagnosed with stage 4 cancers and has been given an estimate of two months to live. Prayers for him and his family please. Prayers for Mary C that radiation therapy takes care of her cancer. Please pray for Trish’s son Jacob who is having issues with his heart and for his family. Prayers for healing, strength and hope for the long recovery from chemo, radiation and surgery for Kevin.