Judy Maas has been in outer home replacements for over four months while battling many health complications and is in great need of continued prayer for help in returning home.
Prayers needed for Ray Gustafson, for a great, and speedy healing.
Claire Nelson, daughter of Jim and Marie, was in an accident and is recovering in Hartford Connecticut. Prayers are needed and greatly appreciated for Claire.
The parishioner who had brain surgery to treat severe seizures, is doing well; thank you for all the prayers.
Javier has requested prayers for his wife, his work, for his priest's needs and for the health of everyone and sends a thank you from the bottom of his heart.
Prayers needed for a parishioner's friend Betty who fell and has several injuries, that she has a good recovery.
Prayers needed for Linda Schroeder's sister in law who's been diagnosed with colon cancer and expects to undergo surgery this week.
Pray for children in Child Protective Services as they heal from emotional, physical abuse and neglect.
Prayers for those who have health problems or emotional problems causing distress.