The St. John the Baptist School Council is hereby established as a consultative, advisory body for the parish school that reports directly to the school principal. The Council shall have as its general concern, the intellectual and spiritual development of the students as furthered by the school, which participates in the teaching mission of the Church. The primary concern of the council will be set forth by the school principal, who will set agendas and convene meetings as necessary.
Article I: Name
The organization shall be known as the St. John the Baptist (SJB) School Council.
Article II: Nature and Purpose
The St. John the Baptist School Council is hereby established as a consultative, advisory body for the parish school that reports directly to the school principal. The Council shall have as its general concern, the intellectual and spiritual development of the students as furthered by the school, which participates in the teaching mission of the Church. The primary concern of the council will be set forth by the school principal, who will set agendas and convene meetings as necessary.
Article III: Function
The St. John the Baptist School Council shall assume the following duties:
Article IV: Membership
Section 1: The SJB School Council shall consist of 5-9 members appointed annually by the school principal. Members may be drawn from the following groups:
Parish Finance and/or Pastoral Council
Home and School Committee
School Parents
Marketing/Enrollment/Public Relations Committee
Faculty and Staff
Parish Members at large
Non-parishioners connected to the larger Jefferson community who have a connection to or partnership with the school.
All members serve a term of one year from the date of appointment, at the pleasure of the school principal.
Section 2: Regular attendance at all meetings is expected of all members. If a member must miss a meeting, prior notification should be given to the principal. Members may be removed from the Council for repeated absenteeism, at the discretion of the school principal.
Article V: Officers
As the SJB School Council is advisory in nature, all members enjoy equal status and opportunity to contribute. The Council therefore does not employ officers. The school principal, for the sake of facilitating communications, may appoint a member of the council as chairperson, whose main responsibility would be to assist the school principal in communicating with other members of the Council at times other than scheduled meetings.
Section 1: As there are no officers, the school principal shall preside at all meetings of the School Council. The Principal will determine and distribute the agenda prior to the meeting and may consult with the chairperson, if desired, in order to determine the agenda.
Section 2: The school principal, at her/his discretion, may appoint a Recorder to maintain written records of the meetings.
Article VI: Meetings
Section 1: Meetings are convened at the discretion of the school principal and are called only as needed. The first meeting of the Council may occur in August, prior to the beginning of the academic year. The school principal may call subsequent meetings at any time.
Section 2: Members will be given at least a 24 hr. notice prior to any meeting.
Article VII: Responsibilities
All members are expected to provide honest, accurate feedback to the school principal on all matters brought before the council. As this is the primary function of the Council, members should ensure that they:
Article VIII: Amendments
Section 1: Any desired amendments should be proposed and discussed by the Council and should be placed on the agenda.
Section 2: Amendments are made when consensus is reached. NOTE: By definition, “consensus” does NOT utilize voting. It utilizes discussion and agreement. Consensus is reached when members either fully support the changes, or if they don’t support them fully, they nonetheless agree that they can live with and defend the changes, even though they may not be in full agreement.
Section 3: Amended by-laws, once adopted, supersede previously existing by-laws.